Wednesday 18 September 2013

Tunnels and Post

Our journey today began with the Harecastle tunnel. Well over a mile long it takes one way traffic only and involves tunnel keepers communicating with each other end. The roof is low and one must make sure nothing on the boat roof can catch. There is almost always a wait for this tunnel in summer, but this morning we were greeted with a cheery 'alright Here Be Dragons, go on through.' With no time to tie up we hastily shoved the dog box below and set off, me feeling my way from light switch to light switch to the front of the boat to align the tunnel light correctly.
The Goddess seems to be smiling on this journey, we are making good time. In half an hour or so we will pop out into the  southern half of the canal system, well on our way to Brum. Still some shopping in Stoke to do, two postal readings to post and fifteen locks if we have enough light! 

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